Updated: 12/2024
Our vision is to ensure that all of our students develop and strengthen skills in reading, writing, oral literacy and collaboration so that they will be able to perform as successful, articulate adults.
9TH Grade Options
5030 English 9
Credits: 10
Prerequisites: None
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 9
English 9 standards call for the student to communicate effectively in writing and speaking; to read, analyze and interpret literature; and to use appropriate resources and skills to conduct research. Students build writing skills in many forms and are expected to meet the district writing standard in three specific areas: an expository essay, a formal letter, and a creative work. Criteria for evaluation includes: focus development, organization, mechanics (spelling, punctuation, capitalization) and style (sentence structure and vocabulary). Literature study, which focuses on the concept of theme within various literary genres, includes short stories, novels, and plays. Most students will read Romeo and Juliet and To Kill a Mockingbird.
5034 CP English 9
Students should be prepared for a rigorous reading, writing and workload expectation
Credits: 10
Prerequisites: None
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 9
CP English 9 is based upon the same curriculum and standards as English 9, but is designed to emphasize the skills and habits of mind that will be needed to take Advanced Placement English courses and the Advanced Placement exam. Students will be challenged to do more with literary comparison, composition and the higher order thinking skills of analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Ninth grade English course content is covered in greater depth and with more insight.
10th Grade Options
5412 World Literature and Composition
Credits: 10
Prerequisites: 9th grade English
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 10
This course provides students with a foundation in reading and writing skills necessary for completion of a comprehensive standards-based high school curriculum. The course integrates the teaching of writing with the study of literature. Students read a substantial selection of world literature including short stories, novels, drama (including Shakespeare), non-fiction, and poetry. Writing is based on the Six-Trait model. Students produce expository, narrative, descriptive, persuasive, technical, and creative writings.
5413 CP World Literature
Students should be prepared for a rigorous reading, writing and workload expectation
Credits: 10
Prerequisites: 9th grade English
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 10
This honors course is designed for college bound students, particularly those planning on taking the AP exam in composition and literature. Instruction in this course provides students with a foundation in reading and writing skills necessary for completion of a comprehensive standards-based high school curriculum. The course integrates the teaching of writing with the study of literature. Students read a substantial selection of world literature including short stories, novels, drama (including Shakespeare) non-fiction and poetry. Writing instruction is based on the Six-Trait Model. Students produce expository, narrative, descriptive persuasive, technical and creative writing.
11th Grade Options
5861 AP Language and Composition
Credits: 10
Prerequisites: World Literature or CP World Literature
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 11
This junior level class will provide both a scope and sequence survey of U.S. literature AND preparation for the AP English Language Exam. It is a year-long course focusing on the development of sophisticated skills in English as they pertain to literature and to language. Along with their readings in U.S. literature, students will study writing style, usage, and practice rhetorical analysis of fiction and non-fiction. The study of language itself; differences between oral and written discourse, formal and informal languages, historical changes in speech and writing, will often be used as an organizing strategy.
5863 US Literature & Composition
Credits: 10
Prerequisites: World Literature & Composition
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 11
American Literature courses focus upon commonly known American authors and their work. Students improve their critical-thinking skills as they determine the underlying assumptions and values within the selected works and as they understand how the literature reflects the society of the time. Oral discussion is an integral part of this course as is the emphasis on narrative, informational/explanatory, and argumentative writing. At FRHS: This course is taught thematically rather than chronologically.
12th Grade Options
5430 Modern Literary Perspectives
Credits: 10
Prerequisites: US Literature and Humanities
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 12
This course is designed to teach national standards in language arts with curriculum developed by the CollegeBoard. It is a rigorous class designed for students in the middle to upper range of skills. Students will examine literature through a variety of critical lenses, become better readers and writers and actively engage in conversations about their reading and writing. Students will work in large and small groups and individually. Evaluation will be ongoing and will include maintaining a portfolio. At FRHS: This course also includes a full length documented research paper on a topic of the student’s choosing.
5860 AP Composition and Literature
Credits: 10
Prerequisites: World Literature & Composition AND
US Literature and Composition OR AP Language & Composition
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 12
This course includes the study of short stories, drama, novels, and poetry, with emphasis on discussion, thorough understanding, and analysis of works of literature. Students read and study famous authors from ancient to contemporary times. This course is designed to complete an accelerated sequence of reading and writing classes in high school. Students may subsequently sign up to take the Advanced Placement examination for college credit in English.
Electives Options
1374 Film Studies: Introduction to Film Analysis
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: Successful completion of English 9
Meets requirement(s): Humanities / Language Arts
Open to Grades: 10, 11 & 12
The focus of the course will be the academic study of film. The goal is for students to become active, analytical viewers of film. To this end, students will be exposed to the elements of narrative filmmaking as well as an overview of the history of film with an emphasis on cinematic classics. Students will read extensively on film craft, history, and criticism. They will also read and analyze a novel that has been adapted for the screen with the purpose of comparing and contrasting the narrative techniques of the different mediums. Students will write in a variety of compositional modes including but not limited to analytical/interpretive, compare/contrast, research/argumentation, critical reviews, etc. Visual media has become pervasive in American society and there is a need to instruct our students to become critical, discerning viewers of this powerful medium. At FRHS: Students will NOT be reading and analyzing a novel adapted for the screen.
5220 Creative Writing HS English
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: None
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
This class enables students to explore and develop their special talents and interests in writing short stories, poems, plays, and other creative works. At FRHS: Students in this class will focus in-depth on particular creative writing genres including, but not limited to, poetry, fiction, personal memoir, and creative non-fiction. Working in small writing groups will encourage communication skills as well as skills in giving and receiving constructive criticism.
5064 Graphic Novels
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: None
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 10, 11 & 12
The study of graphic novels involves the analytical reading of the text and "reading" of the illustrative, "comic" art paired with its novel-styled narrative. An examination of the foundational components of this literary format will begin the course, and, with these concepts in mind, students will complete creative works and develop their skills in reading and writing as they interpret, explain, and support their ideas verbally, in short writing assignments, and essay writing.
5250 Basic Speech
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: None
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
Basic Speech is designed as a fundamental course to improve public speaking in formal and informal settings. Focus is on activities which address the organization, preparation, and delivery of solo speaking opportunities including informative, visual aid, demonstration, and persuasive speeches. Work also includes effective listening, oral interpretation and group discussion.
5900 Argumentation and Debate
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: None
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
The theory and practice of argument will be discovered and applied in various persuasive situations. Public Forum, Lincoln-Douglas and legislative debate techniques will be introduced. Students will research and write debate cases and participate in debates in class. Skills in organizing and writing debate cases and conducting critical analysis of research literature will be emphasized in addition to oral analysis and refutation. At FRHS: This course requires attendance in Forensics competitions as a component of this class.
5910 Forensics (Advanced Speech)
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: None
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
Students will study all areas of forensic competition, exclusive of debate, and will be expected to specialize in duet acting, extemporaneous speaking, and original oratory, interpretation of dramatic literature, interpretation of humorous literature, or interpretation of poetry. At FRHS: This course requires attendance in Forensics competitions as a component of this class.
5265 Reporting
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: None
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
Students are introduced to the variety of programs and occupations in audio/video technology, and communications and media systems. Students will demonstrate an understanding of how to gather information that may be published in print or online media. Instruction will be paired with hands-on lab experiences in community reporting, both verbal and visual.
5281 Editing
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: Reporting
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
This course is recommended for students who have completed Reporting and who want to develop their leadership skills while expanding on various modes of reporting and creating presentations in multiple platforms for specific audiences. Instruction will be paired with hands-on lab experiences.
5280 Journalism 2
Credits: 10
Prerequisites: Reporting
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 10, 11 & 12
Production of the school newspaper is the responsibility of students in this course. They perform in various capacities as editor, reporter, business manager, photographer, artist, cartoonist, or word processor. The school newspaper provides a forum for student expression. At FRHS: Journalism 2 also offers opportunities for young journalists to employ social media and video production techniques to create multimedia coverage of the stories relevant to the student population and to increase awareness of developing industry trends.
5130 Yearbook Production
Credits: 10
Prerequisites: Reporting
Meets requirement(s): Elective
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
Yearbook covers all phases of yearbook production. Students learn to design layouts, write copy, organize materials, select photographs, and function as a cooperative member of a publications staff.
1769 Business Communications
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: None
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
Emphasizes effective business writing and cover letters, memoranda, reports, application letters, and resumes. This course includes the fundamentals of business communication and an introduction to international communication
Possible Video Productions Pathway Courses:
5030 English 9
Credits: 10
Prerequisites: None
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 9
English 9 standards call for the student to communicate effectively in writing and speaking; to read, analyze and interpret literature; and to use appropriate resources and skills to conduct research. Students build writing skills in many forms and are expected to meet the district writing standard in three specific areas: an expository essay, a formal letter, and a creative work. Criteria for evaluation includes: focus development, organization, mechanics (spelling, punctuation, capitalization) and style (sentence structure and vocabulary). Literature study, which focuses on the concept of theme within various literary genres, includes short stories, novels, and plays. Most students will read Romeo and Juliet and To Kill a Mockingbird.
5034 CP English 9
Students should be prepared for a rigorous reading, writing and workload expectation
Credits: 10
Prerequisites: None
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 9
CP English 9 is based upon the same curriculum and standards as English 9, but is designed to emphasize the skills and habits of mind that will be needed to take Advanced Placement English courses and the Advanced Placement exam. Students will be challenged to do more with literary comparison, composition and the higher order thinking skills of analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Ninth grade English course content is covered in greater depth and with more insight.
10th Grade Options
5412 World Literature and Composition
Credits: 10
Prerequisites: 9th grade English
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 10
This course provides students with a foundation in reading and writing skills necessary for completion of a comprehensive standards-based high school curriculum. The course integrates the teaching of writing with the study of literature. Students read a substantial selection of world literature including short stories, novels, drama (including Shakespeare), non-fiction, and poetry. Writing is based on the Six-Trait model. Students produce expository, narrative, descriptive, persuasive, technical, and creative writings.
5413 CP World Literature
Students should be prepared for a rigorous reading, writing and workload expectation
Credits: 10
Prerequisites: 9th grade English
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 10
This honors course is designed for college bound students, particularly those planning on taking the AP exam in composition and literature. Instruction in this course provides students with a foundation in reading and writing skills necessary for completion of a comprehensive standards-based high school curriculum. The course integrates the teaching of writing with the study of literature. Students read a substantial selection of world literature including short stories, novels, drama (including Shakespeare) non-fiction and poetry. Writing instruction is based on the Six-Trait Model. Students produce expository, narrative, descriptive persuasive, technical and creative writing.
11th Grade Options
5861 AP Language and Composition
Credits: 10
Prerequisites: World Literature or CP World Literature
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 11
This junior level class will provide both a scope and sequence survey of U.S. literature AND preparation for the AP English Language Exam. It is a year-long course focusing on the development of sophisticated skills in English as they pertain to literature and to language. Along with their readings in U.S. literature, students will study writing style, usage, and practice rhetorical analysis of fiction and non-fiction. The study of language itself; differences between oral and written discourse, formal and informal languages, historical changes in speech and writing, will often be used as an organizing strategy.
5863 US Literature & Composition
Credits: 10
Prerequisites: World Literature & Composition
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 11
American Literature courses focus upon commonly known American authors and their work. Students improve their critical-thinking skills as they determine the underlying assumptions and values within the selected works and as they understand how the literature reflects the society of the time. Oral discussion is an integral part of this course as is the emphasis on narrative, informational/explanatory, and argumentative writing. At FRHS: This course is taught thematically rather than chronologically.
12th Grade Options
5430 Modern Literary Perspectives
Credits: 10
Prerequisites: US Literature and Humanities
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 12
This course is designed to teach national standards in language arts with curriculum developed by the CollegeBoard. It is a rigorous class designed for students in the middle to upper range of skills. Students will examine literature through a variety of critical lenses, become better readers and writers and actively engage in conversations about their reading and writing. Students will work in large and small groups and individually. Evaluation will be ongoing and will include maintaining a portfolio. At FRHS: This course also includes a full length documented research paper on a topic of the student’s choosing.
5860 AP Composition and Literature
Credits: 10
Prerequisites: World Literature & Composition AND
US Literature and Composition OR AP Language & Composition
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 12
This course includes the study of short stories, drama, novels, and poetry, with emphasis on discussion, thorough understanding, and analysis of works of literature. Students read and study famous authors from ancient to contemporary times. This course is designed to complete an accelerated sequence of reading and writing classes in high school. Students may subsequently sign up to take the Advanced Placement examination for college credit in English.
Electives Options
1374 Film Studies: Introduction to Film Analysis
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: Successful completion of English 9
Meets requirement(s): Humanities / Language Arts
Open to Grades: 10, 11 & 12
The focus of the course will be the academic study of film. The goal is for students to become active, analytical viewers of film. To this end, students will be exposed to the elements of narrative filmmaking as well as an overview of the history of film with an emphasis on cinematic classics. Students will read extensively on film craft, history, and criticism. They will also read and analyze a novel that has been adapted for the screen with the purpose of comparing and contrasting the narrative techniques of the different mediums. Students will write in a variety of compositional modes including but not limited to analytical/interpretive, compare/contrast, research/argumentation, critical reviews, etc. Visual media has become pervasive in American society and there is a need to instruct our students to become critical, discerning viewers of this powerful medium. At FRHS: Students will NOT be reading and analyzing a novel adapted for the screen.
5220 Creative Writing HS English
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: None
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
This class enables students to explore and develop their special talents and interests in writing short stories, poems, plays, and other creative works. At FRHS: Students in this class will focus in-depth on particular creative writing genres including, but not limited to, poetry, fiction, personal memoir, and creative non-fiction. Working in small writing groups will encourage communication skills as well as skills in giving and receiving constructive criticism.
5064 Graphic Novels
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: None
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 10, 11 & 12
The study of graphic novels involves the analytical reading of the text and "reading" of the illustrative, "comic" art paired with its novel-styled narrative. An examination of the foundational components of this literary format will begin the course, and, with these concepts in mind, students will complete creative works and develop their skills in reading and writing as they interpret, explain, and support their ideas verbally, in short writing assignments, and essay writing.
5250 Basic Speech
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: None
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
Basic Speech is designed as a fundamental course to improve public speaking in formal and informal settings. Focus is on activities which address the organization, preparation, and delivery of solo speaking opportunities including informative, visual aid, demonstration, and persuasive speeches. Work also includes effective listening, oral interpretation and group discussion.
5900 Argumentation and Debate
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: None
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
The theory and practice of argument will be discovered and applied in various persuasive situations. Public Forum, Lincoln-Douglas and legislative debate techniques will be introduced. Students will research and write debate cases and participate in debates in class. Skills in organizing and writing debate cases and conducting critical analysis of research literature will be emphasized in addition to oral analysis and refutation. At FRHS: This course requires attendance in Forensics competitions as a component of this class.
5910 Forensics (Advanced Speech)
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: None
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
Students will study all areas of forensic competition, exclusive of debate, and will be expected to specialize in duet acting, extemporaneous speaking, and original oratory, interpretation of dramatic literature, interpretation of humorous literature, or interpretation of poetry. At FRHS: This course requires attendance in Forensics competitions as a component of this class.
5265 Reporting
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: None
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
Students are introduced to the variety of programs and occupations in audio/video technology, and communications and media systems. Students will demonstrate an understanding of how to gather information that may be published in print or online media. Instruction will be paired with hands-on lab experiences in community reporting, both verbal and visual.
5281 Editing
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: Reporting
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
This course is recommended for students who have completed Reporting and who want to develop their leadership skills while expanding on various modes of reporting and creating presentations in multiple platforms for specific audiences. Instruction will be paired with hands-on lab experiences.
5280 Journalism 2
Credits: 10
Prerequisites: Reporting
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 10, 11 & 12
Production of the school newspaper is the responsibility of students in this course. They perform in various capacities as editor, reporter, business manager, photographer, artist, cartoonist, or word processor. The school newspaper provides a forum for student expression. At FRHS: Journalism 2 also offers opportunities for young journalists to employ social media and video production techniques to create multimedia coverage of the stories relevant to the student population and to increase awareness of developing industry trends.
5130 Yearbook Production
Credits: 10
Prerequisites: Reporting
Meets requirement(s): Elective
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
Yearbook covers all phases of yearbook production. Students learn to design layouts, write copy, organize materials, select photographs, and function as a cooperative member of a publications staff.
1769 Business Communications
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: None
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
Emphasizes effective business writing and cover letters, memoranda, reports, application letters, and resumes. This course includes the fundamentals of business communication and an introduction to international communication
Possible Video Productions Pathway Courses:
5293 (Sports) Broadcast Production A/B
Credits: 10
Prerequisites: None
Meets Requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 10, 11 & 12
Sports Broadcasting will teach students the essentials of sports journalism, with a focus on live publication to an audience. The three main modes of reporting addressed will feature the on-location interview, play-by-play event coverage, and anchoring at the sports desk. Students will learn the technical skills for live audio support and podcasting, shooting and editing video packages, and industry applications of social media.
5275 21st Century Media / Technology
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: None
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
This semester class will focus on ways to deliver information to the public such as through the mediums of newspapers, television, websites, blogs, podcasts and videos. The course will guide students in the use of photography, computers, video equipment and other technology used to produce and communicate information. At FRHS: This class introduces students to video/filmmaking, acting, theater concepts, and principles of storytelling. This class is the first step in some video/film pathways.
5290S1 Television Production A
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: 21st Century Media/Technology
Meets requirement(s): Fine & Applied Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
TV producers work behind the camera, putting together the different elements of the broadcast and making sure that everything works together smoothly. This course covers the essential components of TV broadcast production, including the use of microphones, cameras, videotape recorder-editors, switchers, and lighting equipment. The basics of editing and chroma key (blue screen) techniques are also introduced. Students gain practical experience producing their own video projects in the studio. At FRHS: This class is responsible for producing episodes of Ridge TV (our weekly program that plays for the whole school), supporting whole school events like assemblies and lip-dubs, and making short films, music videos, or documentaries for our annual film festival, “Films On A Shoestring”.
5290S2 Television Production B
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: Television Production A
Meets requirement(s): Fine & Applied Arts; Language Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
TV producers work behind the camera, putting together the different elements of the broadcast and making sure that everything works together smoothly. This course covers the essential components of TV broadcast production, including the use of microphones, cameras, videotape recorder-editors, switchers, and lighting equipment. The basics of editing and chroma key (blue screen) techniques are also introduced. Students gain practical experience producing their own video projects in the studio. At FRHS: This class is responsible for producing episodes of Ridge TV (our weekly program that plays for the whole school), supporting whole school events like assemblies and lip-dubs, and making short films, music videos, or documentaries for our annual film festival, “Films On A Shoestring”.
1373S1 Filmmaking A
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: Television Production B
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts; Fine & Applied Arts
Open to Grades: 10, 11 & 12
Students learn how to use digital video editing software to create, edit, and save movies. Students create movies using digital video clips, digital photos, and music. The basics of shooting good video, capturing video from a camera to a computer, creating movies for the web, and creating a finished product will be covered. At FRHS: This class is our most advanced within the filmmaking pathway. Students will specialize in making short films, music videos, and/or documentaries. They will also be leaders in creating whole school events like assemblies and lip-dubs, and projects for our annual film festival, “Films On A Shoestring”. The goal of this class is to prepare students for careers or college programs in video production.
1373S2 Filmmaking B
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: Filmmaking A
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts; Fine & Applied Arts
Open to Grades: 10, 11 & 12
Students learn how to use digital video editing software to create, edit, and save movies. Students create movies using digital video clips, digital photos, and music. The basics of shooting good video, capturing video from a camera to a computer, creating movies for the web, and creating a finished product will be covered. At FRHS: This class is our most advanced within the filmmaking pathway. Students will specialize in making short films, music videos, and/or documentaries. They will also be leaders in creating whole school events like assemblies and lip-dubs, and projects for our annual film festival, “Films On A Shoestring”. The goal of this class is to prepare students for careers or college programs in video production.
5814 Online Media 1
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: None
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 10, 11 & 12
Students demonstrate their understanding of a variety of programs and occupations in online media using digital tools that are widely available in professional media work. Focus is on producing content for online consumer-oriented platforms. Instruction will be paired with hands-on lab experiences in community reporting, both verbal and visual. At FRHS: In Online Media you make online content with something you are passionate about. You will find a way to share and explore this passion online through content you create. You will explore starting your own Podcast, creating a YouTube channel, writing and recording your own songs/music, publishing a blog/vlog, building a website, independent journalism or any other online media you can dream of. This will prepare you to make money-earning content in the real world during or after high school.
5816 Online Media 2
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: Online Media 1
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 10, 11 & 12
This course is recommended for students who have completed Online Media I and who want to develop their leadership skills while expanding on various modes of reporting and creating online media for specific audiences and online consumer-oriented platforms. Instruction will be paired with hands-on lab experiences.
At FRHS: Online Media 2 gives you a place to build on your skills gained in Online Media 1, so that you experience the production and promotion cycle of a professional content creator. You’ll learn about how to create more efficient workflows and build a digital portfolio of the things you create to showcase your skills to employers and colleges.
1373S Acting in Film
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: Performance & Communications
Meets requirement(s): Fine & Applied Arts
Open to Grades: 10, 11 & 12
This semester course emphasizes acting skills for film. Students learn techniques including character and script analysis, rehearsal and production processes, and effective collaboration with a creative production team. At FRHS: This course will include the completion of a CTE Capstone project.
FRHS Theater Pathway Courses:
Credits: 10
Prerequisites: None
Meets Requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 10, 11 & 12
Sports Broadcasting will teach students the essentials of sports journalism, with a focus on live publication to an audience. The three main modes of reporting addressed will feature the on-location interview, play-by-play event coverage, and anchoring at the sports desk. Students will learn the technical skills for live audio support and podcasting, shooting and editing video packages, and industry applications of social media.
5275 21st Century Media / Technology
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: None
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
This semester class will focus on ways to deliver information to the public such as through the mediums of newspapers, television, websites, blogs, podcasts and videos. The course will guide students in the use of photography, computers, video equipment and other technology used to produce and communicate information. At FRHS: This class introduces students to video/filmmaking, acting, theater concepts, and principles of storytelling. This class is the first step in some video/film pathways.
5290S1 Television Production A
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: 21st Century Media/Technology
Meets requirement(s): Fine & Applied Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
TV producers work behind the camera, putting together the different elements of the broadcast and making sure that everything works together smoothly. This course covers the essential components of TV broadcast production, including the use of microphones, cameras, videotape recorder-editors, switchers, and lighting equipment. The basics of editing and chroma key (blue screen) techniques are also introduced. Students gain practical experience producing their own video projects in the studio. At FRHS: This class is responsible for producing episodes of Ridge TV (our weekly program that plays for the whole school), supporting whole school events like assemblies and lip-dubs, and making short films, music videos, or documentaries for our annual film festival, “Films On A Shoestring”.
5290S2 Television Production B
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: Television Production A
Meets requirement(s): Fine & Applied Arts; Language Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
TV producers work behind the camera, putting together the different elements of the broadcast and making sure that everything works together smoothly. This course covers the essential components of TV broadcast production, including the use of microphones, cameras, videotape recorder-editors, switchers, and lighting equipment. The basics of editing and chroma key (blue screen) techniques are also introduced. Students gain practical experience producing their own video projects in the studio. At FRHS: This class is responsible for producing episodes of Ridge TV (our weekly program that plays for the whole school), supporting whole school events like assemblies and lip-dubs, and making short films, music videos, or documentaries for our annual film festival, “Films On A Shoestring”.
1373S1 Filmmaking A
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: Television Production B
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts; Fine & Applied Arts
Open to Grades: 10, 11 & 12
Students learn how to use digital video editing software to create, edit, and save movies. Students create movies using digital video clips, digital photos, and music. The basics of shooting good video, capturing video from a camera to a computer, creating movies for the web, and creating a finished product will be covered. At FRHS: This class is our most advanced within the filmmaking pathway. Students will specialize in making short films, music videos, and/or documentaries. They will also be leaders in creating whole school events like assemblies and lip-dubs, and projects for our annual film festival, “Films On A Shoestring”. The goal of this class is to prepare students for careers or college programs in video production.
1373S2 Filmmaking B
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: Filmmaking A
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts; Fine & Applied Arts
Open to Grades: 10, 11 & 12
Students learn how to use digital video editing software to create, edit, and save movies. Students create movies using digital video clips, digital photos, and music. The basics of shooting good video, capturing video from a camera to a computer, creating movies for the web, and creating a finished product will be covered. At FRHS: This class is our most advanced within the filmmaking pathway. Students will specialize in making short films, music videos, and/or documentaries. They will also be leaders in creating whole school events like assemblies and lip-dubs, and projects for our annual film festival, “Films On A Shoestring”. The goal of this class is to prepare students for careers or college programs in video production.
5814 Online Media 1
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: None
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 10, 11 & 12
Students demonstrate their understanding of a variety of programs and occupations in online media using digital tools that are widely available in professional media work. Focus is on producing content for online consumer-oriented platforms. Instruction will be paired with hands-on lab experiences in community reporting, both verbal and visual. At FRHS: In Online Media you make online content with something you are passionate about. You will find a way to share and explore this passion online through content you create. You will explore starting your own Podcast, creating a YouTube channel, writing and recording your own songs/music, publishing a blog/vlog, building a website, independent journalism or any other online media you can dream of. This will prepare you to make money-earning content in the real world during or after high school.
5816 Online Media 2
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: Online Media 1
Meets requirement(s): Language Arts
Open to Grades: 10, 11 & 12
This course is recommended for students who have completed Online Media I and who want to develop their leadership skills while expanding on various modes of reporting and creating online media for specific audiences and online consumer-oriented platforms. Instruction will be paired with hands-on lab experiences.
At FRHS: Online Media 2 gives you a place to build on your skills gained in Online Media 1, so that you experience the production and promotion cycle of a professional content creator. You’ll learn about how to create more efficient workflows and build a digital portfolio of the things you create to showcase your skills to employers and colleges.
1373S Acting in Film
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: Performance & Communications
Meets requirement(s): Fine & Applied Arts
Open to Grades: 10, 11 & 12
This semester course emphasizes acting skills for film. Students learn techniques including character and script analysis, rehearsal and production processes, and effective collaboration with a creative production team. At FRHS: This course will include the completion of a CTE Capstone project.
FRHS Theater Pathway Courses:
5227 Introduction to Acting
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: None
Meets requirements: Arts & World Language; Fine & Applied Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
CTE: Not applicable
This one semester class emphasizes acting skills such as improvisation, scene work, oral interpretation, and reader’s theater. Students learn techniques for confidence on stage: relaxation, imagination. At FRHS: This class will produce a One Act and all students will be offered a role. This class is required to attend the Colorado State Thespian Conference. This class is a prerequisite for auditions for the 9th period productions: fall play and spring musical.
1373 Performance & Communications
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: Intro to Acting
Meets requirement(s): Fine & Applied Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
CTE Theater Pathway: Level 2
This course introduces students to methods of performance and performance-dependent careers.
Though performance is a significant part of this course, further topics include financial awareness,
promotion and marketing, and management and leadership. At FRHS: This class will learn advanced acting techniques. Students will produce a One Act for evening performance. This class will investigate post-secondary options that may include research, guest artists, and field trips to universities.
5223A Technical Theatre A
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: None
Meets requirement(s): Fine & Applied Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
CTE Theater Pathway: Level 2
Introduces methods of constructing and painting scenery and properties, operating stage lighting and sound equipment, and implementing costumes and multimedia. This course explores the proper procedures of serving on stage crews. At FRHS: Students will learn the principles of design for sets, costumes, lighting, and sound. This course replaces the Theatre Foundations course that was previously offered.
5223B Technical Theatre B
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: None
Meets requirement(s): Fine & Applied Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
CTE Theater Pathway: Level 2
Introduces methods of constructing and painting scenery and properties, operating stage lighting and sound equipment, and implementing costumes and multimedia. This course explores the proper procedures of serving on stage crews. At FRHS: Students will learn how to safely and effectively operate shop tools to build set pieces, operate theatre lighting and sound systems, and create projections for production. This class may design and run tech for an Intro to Acting class.
5224A Set Design A
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: Audition only
Meets requirement(s): Fine & Applied Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
CTE Theater Pathway: Level 3
Emphasizes two- and three-dimensional drawing and designs and color theory. Students construct 3-D
models and a theatrical stage set. At FRHS: Meets 9th period. Students will design, build, and paint the set for the Fall Play. Students may ONLY be enrolled in the class through an interview/selection process with the director.
5224B Set Design B
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: Audition only
Meets requirement(s): Fine & Applied Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
CTE Theater Pathway: Level 3
Emphasizes two- and three-dimensional drawing and designs and color theory. Students construct 3-D
models and a theatrical stage set. At FRHS: Meets 9th period. Students will design, build, and paint the set for the Spring Musical. Students may ONLY be enrolled in the class through an interview/selection process with the director.
1379A Sound Engineering & Design A
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: Audition only
Meets requirement(s): Fine & Applied Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
CTE Theater Pathway: Level 3
Explores the steps in audio production following the initial sound capture and overdubbing of sound. Key concepts include sound design, mixing, and addition of effects. Integration of music with pictures is also discussed, and key concepts such as automatic dialogue replacement, foley, score, and voiceover recording are covered. At FRHS: Meets 10th period. Students will design and operate the sound systems for the Fall Play. Students may ONLY be enrolled in the class through an interview/selection process with the director.
1379B Sound Engineering & Design B
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: Audition only
Meets requirement(s): Fine & Applied Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
CTE Theater Pathway: Level 3
Explores the steps in audio production following the initial sound capture and overdubbing of sound. Key concepts include sound design, mixing, and addition of effects. Integration of music with pictures is also discussed, and key concepts such as automatic dialogue replacement, foley, score, and voiceover recording are covered. At FRHS: Meets 10th period. Students will design and operate the sound systems for the Spring Musical. Students may ONLY be enrolled in the class through an interview/selection process with the director.
5225A Stage Production Management A
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: Audition only
Meets requirement(s): Elective
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
CTE Theater Pathway: Level 3
This course introduces students to various areas of management within the stage production industry
which include stage manager (working with assistants, actors, and directors), theater manager
(advertising, box office sales, public relations), human resources (training, hiring, safety, compensation,
law), and financial manager (payroll and budget). At FRHS: Meets 9th period. Students will stage manage, house manage, and produce marketing for the Fall Play. Students may ONLY be enrolled in class through an interview/selection process with the director.
5225B Stage Production Management B
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: Audition only
Meets requirement(s): Elective
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
CTE Theater Pathway: Level 3
This course introduces students to various areas of management within the stage production industry
which include stage manager (working with assistants, actors, and directors), theater manager
(advertising, box office sales, public relations), human resources (training, hiring, safety, compensation,
law), and financial manager (payroll and budget). At FRHS: Meets 9th period. Students will stage manage, house manage, and produce marketing for the Spring Musical. Students may ONLY be enrolled in class through an interview/selection process with the director.
1392 Work-Based Learning: Design and Multimedia Arts
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: Audition or interview only
Meets requirement(s): Elective
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
CTE Theater Pathway: Level 4
Students build on prior knowledge and skills in the program of study to further develop and apply employability and technical skills that prepare them for success in future career and postsecondary education. At FRHS: Students will rehearse and perform for the Fall Play. Students may ONLY be enrolled in the class through an audition process with the director.
1393 Work-Based Learning: Production and Managerial Art
Credits: Variable credit based upon hours worked
Prerequisites: Audition or interview only
Meets requirement(s): Elective
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
CTE Theater Pathway: Level 4
Students build on prior knowledge and skills in the program of study to further develop and apply employability and technical skills that prepare them for success in future career and postsecondary education, as deemed developmentally appropriate. At FRHS: Students will earn Work-Based Learning credit for all hours spent working on performance, technical theatre, or design on the Spring Musical outside regular class time. Credit may also be earned through internships or employment.
5075 Integrated Drama
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: None
Meets requirement(s): Elective
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
CTE: Not applicable
This is a one-semester course that integrates students with special needs with general education students. Students will work in diverse peer groups to teach social skills and friendship skills in role play and a variety of other creative dramatic formats. Performance projects will include improvisation, pantomime, puppet and musical performances, and composition of original pieces. Class activities will encourage peer collaboration, education about disabilities, student inclusion, and personal empowerment.
The following classes are offered for concurrent enrollment:
For details regarding the application and testing process, and grade level options, see FRCC College Now.
9325CEFRHS FRCC English Composition I
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: None
Meets requirements: Language Arts
ENG 121 English Composition I: Emphasizes the planning, writing, and revising of compositions, including the development of critical and logical thinking skills. This course includes a minimum of five compositions that stress analytical, evaluative, and persuasive/ argumentative writing. This course is guaranteed to transfer to all public colleges and universities in Colorado.
9334CEFRHS FRCC English Composition II
Credits: 5
Prerequisite: AP Language Exam score of 3 or higher; English Composition I.
Meets requirements: Language Arts
ENG 122 ENGLISH COMPOSITION II: Expands and refines the objectives of English Composition I. Emphasizes critical/logical thinking and reading, problem definition, research strategies, and writing analytical, evaluative, and/or persuasive papers that incorporate research. This course is guaranteed to transfer to all public colleges and universities in Colorado.
9330CEFRHS FRCC Intro to Literature I
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: None
Meets requirements: Language Arts
LIT 115 Introduction to Literature I: Introduces students to fiction, poetry, and drama. Course emphasizes active and responsive reading. This course is guaranteed to transfer to all public colleges and universities in Colorado.
1378CEFRHS FRCC Literature and Film
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: Recommended Intro to Literature 1
Meets requirements: Language Arts
LIT 257 Literature in Film: Examines the relationship between literature and motion pictures, emphasizing the technique and interpretive function of filmmakers.
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: None
Meets requirements: Arts & World Language; Fine & Applied Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
CTE: Not applicable
This one semester class emphasizes acting skills such as improvisation, scene work, oral interpretation, and reader’s theater. Students learn techniques for confidence on stage: relaxation, imagination. At FRHS: This class will produce a One Act and all students will be offered a role. This class is required to attend the Colorado State Thespian Conference. This class is a prerequisite for auditions for the 9th period productions: fall play and spring musical.
1373 Performance & Communications
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: Intro to Acting
Meets requirement(s): Fine & Applied Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
CTE Theater Pathway: Level 2
This course introduces students to methods of performance and performance-dependent careers.
Though performance is a significant part of this course, further topics include financial awareness,
promotion and marketing, and management and leadership. At FRHS: This class will learn advanced acting techniques. Students will produce a One Act for evening performance. This class will investigate post-secondary options that may include research, guest artists, and field trips to universities.
5223A Technical Theatre A
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: None
Meets requirement(s): Fine & Applied Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
CTE Theater Pathway: Level 2
Introduces methods of constructing and painting scenery and properties, operating stage lighting and sound equipment, and implementing costumes and multimedia. This course explores the proper procedures of serving on stage crews. At FRHS: Students will learn the principles of design for sets, costumes, lighting, and sound. This course replaces the Theatre Foundations course that was previously offered.
5223B Technical Theatre B
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: None
Meets requirement(s): Fine & Applied Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
CTE Theater Pathway: Level 2
Introduces methods of constructing and painting scenery and properties, operating stage lighting and sound equipment, and implementing costumes and multimedia. This course explores the proper procedures of serving on stage crews. At FRHS: Students will learn how to safely and effectively operate shop tools to build set pieces, operate theatre lighting and sound systems, and create projections for production. This class may design and run tech for an Intro to Acting class.
5224A Set Design A
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: Audition only
Meets requirement(s): Fine & Applied Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
CTE Theater Pathway: Level 3
Emphasizes two- and three-dimensional drawing and designs and color theory. Students construct 3-D
models and a theatrical stage set. At FRHS: Meets 9th period. Students will design, build, and paint the set for the Fall Play. Students may ONLY be enrolled in the class through an interview/selection process with the director.
5224B Set Design B
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: Audition only
Meets requirement(s): Fine & Applied Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
CTE Theater Pathway: Level 3
Emphasizes two- and three-dimensional drawing and designs and color theory. Students construct 3-D
models and a theatrical stage set. At FRHS: Meets 9th period. Students will design, build, and paint the set for the Spring Musical. Students may ONLY be enrolled in the class through an interview/selection process with the director.
1379A Sound Engineering & Design A
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: Audition only
Meets requirement(s): Fine & Applied Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
CTE Theater Pathway: Level 3
Explores the steps in audio production following the initial sound capture and overdubbing of sound. Key concepts include sound design, mixing, and addition of effects. Integration of music with pictures is also discussed, and key concepts such as automatic dialogue replacement, foley, score, and voiceover recording are covered. At FRHS: Meets 10th period. Students will design and operate the sound systems for the Fall Play. Students may ONLY be enrolled in the class through an interview/selection process with the director.
1379B Sound Engineering & Design B
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: Audition only
Meets requirement(s): Fine & Applied Arts
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
CTE Theater Pathway: Level 3
Explores the steps in audio production following the initial sound capture and overdubbing of sound. Key concepts include sound design, mixing, and addition of effects. Integration of music with pictures is also discussed, and key concepts such as automatic dialogue replacement, foley, score, and voiceover recording are covered. At FRHS: Meets 10th period. Students will design and operate the sound systems for the Spring Musical. Students may ONLY be enrolled in the class through an interview/selection process with the director.
5225A Stage Production Management A
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: Audition only
Meets requirement(s): Elective
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
CTE Theater Pathway: Level 3
This course introduces students to various areas of management within the stage production industry
which include stage manager (working with assistants, actors, and directors), theater manager
(advertising, box office sales, public relations), human resources (training, hiring, safety, compensation,
law), and financial manager (payroll and budget). At FRHS: Meets 9th period. Students will stage manage, house manage, and produce marketing for the Fall Play. Students may ONLY be enrolled in class through an interview/selection process with the director.
5225B Stage Production Management B
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: Audition only
Meets requirement(s): Elective
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
CTE Theater Pathway: Level 3
This course introduces students to various areas of management within the stage production industry
which include stage manager (working with assistants, actors, and directors), theater manager
(advertising, box office sales, public relations), human resources (training, hiring, safety, compensation,
law), and financial manager (payroll and budget). At FRHS: Meets 9th period. Students will stage manage, house manage, and produce marketing for the Spring Musical. Students may ONLY be enrolled in class through an interview/selection process with the director.
1392 Work-Based Learning: Design and Multimedia Arts
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: Audition or interview only
Meets requirement(s): Elective
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
CTE Theater Pathway: Level 4
Students build on prior knowledge and skills in the program of study to further develop and apply employability and technical skills that prepare them for success in future career and postsecondary education. At FRHS: Students will rehearse and perform for the Fall Play. Students may ONLY be enrolled in the class through an audition process with the director.
1393 Work-Based Learning: Production and Managerial Art
Credits: Variable credit based upon hours worked
Prerequisites: Audition or interview only
Meets requirement(s): Elective
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
CTE Theater Pathway: Level 4
Students build on prior knowledge and skills in the program of study to further develop and apply employability and technical skills that prepare them for success in future career and postsecondary education, as deemed developmentally appropriate. At FRHS: Students will earn Work-Based Learning credit for all hours spent working on performance, technical theatre, or design on the Spring Musical outside regular class time. Credit may also be earned through internships or employment.
5075 Integrated Drama
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: None
Meets requirement(s): Elective
Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11 & 12
CTE: Not applicable
This is a one-semester course that integrates students with special needs with general education students. Students will work in diverse peer groups to teach social skills and friendship skills in role play and a variety of other creative dramatic formats. Performance projects will include improvisation, pantomime, puppet and musical performances, and composition of original pieces. Class activities will encourage peer collaboration, education about disabilities, student inclusion, and personal empowerment.
The following classes are offered for concurrent enrollment:
For details regarding the application and testing process, and grade level options, see FRCC College Now.
9325CEFRHS FRCC English Composition I
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: None
Meets requirements: Language Arts
ENG 121 English Composition I: Emphasizes the planning, writing, and revising of compositions, including the development of critical and logical thinking skills. This course includes a minimum of five compositions that stress analytical, evaluative, and persuasive/ argumentative writing. This course is guaranteed to transfer to all public colleges and universities in Colorado.
9334CEFRHS FRCC English Composition II
Credits: 5
Prerequisite: AP Language Exam score of 3 or higher; English Composition I.
Meets requirements: Language Arts
ENG 122 ENGLISH COMPOSITION II: Expands and refines the objectives of English Composition I. Emphasizes critical/logical thinking and reading, problem definition, research strategies, and writing analytical, evaluative, and/or persuasive papers that incorporate research. This course is guaranteed to transfer to all public colleges and universities in Colorado.
9330CEFRHS FRCC Intro to Literature I
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: None
Meets requirements: Language Arts
LIT 115 Introduction to Literature I: Introduces students to fiction, poetry, and drama. Course emphasizes active and responsive reading. This course is guaranteed to transfer to all public colleges and universities in Colorado.
1378CEFRHS FRCC Literature and Film
Credits: 5
Prerequisites: Recommended Intro to Literature 1
Meets requirements: Language Arts
LIT 257 Literature in Film: Examines the relationship between literature and motion pictures, emphasizing the technique and interpretive function of filmmakers.